About Guillermo Davis 'el Iyawo'

I am Guillermo Davis, an independent animator based in Leeds working in 2d animation, 3d modeling and some model-making for stop-motion. El Iyawo is my artistic name, it was so for my work as a dancer and choreographer and is now that I am an animator. Iyawo is a word from the Afro-Cuban Yoruba Religion meaning an initiate who wears white. I studied Animation at the Northern Film School on the BA (hons) Animation course. I have a special interest in dance movement in animation and in expressing my Cuban culture. This is my studio.

Before I came into animation, I was a professional dancer and choreographer. I was mainly interested in Afro-Cuban Dance, Cuban Popular dance and Carnival Dances. I had a Carnival group and a Cabaret Dance group in London. I decided to move into Animation when I was no longer young because I have always been fascinated by animation and I love drawing and story-telling. I am Cuban and have been settled here for quite a few years.

Having much experience of the stage, of performance and movement and of designing and making costumes and props and of the creative process are all really useful for animation.

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