Monday 31 December 2012

Stop motion ideas for Zapaticos

Firstly I created and animated a butterfly character using Stop motion techniques for the Los zapaticos de Rosa project title sequence. I also prepared some models for characters and tried out some ideas in stop motion.

Here's one clip - The Mother

  The mother - video clip

The Mother

The Butterfly

Mouths for a character

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Story Board for the Little Rose Shoes

I've been working on the story board for 'The Little Rose Shoes' aninimation (Los Zapaticos de Rosa). I have the drawings for each frame pinned onto the wall in my studio so I can see the whole story and make changes and talk about the story with people. I have it at about 6 minutes at this stage.

Later I scanned the pictures and brought them into Premiere and added music and voice recordings and animated some of the scenes in After Effects.

Saturday 1 September 2012

When You Can Hear the River

This animation tells the story of a flood in Guantanamo city when many people lost their homes. It is a fictional account of real events. The title is based on a popular Latin American saying "When you hear the river, it means its carrying stones". It's a way of saying that when you hear the river, it means trouble is coming. It was my second year major project on the BA Animation course at the Northern Film School.

Here are some stills from the film.